
2021-07-23 09:31:02 字數 356 閱讀 5577


for some of the following products, these packaging has been confirmed before that, then i can start to arrange shipment do?

in this case, it really has been conducted on the su***ce uv treatment, but different gloss printing production box will vary, in large cargo has been improved, please sign 1pc back to us.


1.you do not konw me thoroughly,just as i do not know you.2.this has nothing to do with religion,but belief.1,you are not fully know me,as i don t kno...


這個謎語根據意思分三段,前四句,中三局,後五句,是一個三字姓名 阿房宮和長生殿都是皇家宮殿,裡面的寢人自然就是皇帝,而且因為是第一個字,所以應該是姓,最大可能是 王 字,也有可能是 龍 或者 吳 鐘的單位是口,天指天子 中間三句比較容易,關鍵是最後那句少女灑淚江邊,第一感覺是個 渺 字,但是我覺得中...


so funny,i m dying by laughing 搜 發尼,愛母 呆英 擺 啦扶英 you are so strange.由 啊 搜 斯轉之 樓主是這個意思嗎?呵呵,這樣注音真彆扭啊 真有意思,笑死我了。英語裡比較地道的說 笑死我了 說法是laugh my ass off.字面意思呢,就...