
2022-12-10 09:01:11 字數 1208 閱讀 8242


請問你是誰?sorry, who is this? 我並不認識你啊,怎麼把郵件發到我這來了?

i don't know you, how did you send e-mail to me?


應該是:could you tell me who you are? i don't know you even more.

why did you send an e_mail to me?

我想"jally520"的用詞可能有問題,"at once"應該是立即的意思,怎麼能用在這呢? 太不負責任了!


who's this speaking,please? ( may i ask, who's this speaking? )

sorry,i don't know you ,sir. ( i don't know you ,sir.)

why this postal matter sent me here . (this post sent me here,why?)


could you tell me who you are? did we contact each other before? i don't think i know, why you sent email to me?


well, i don't know you. why did you send this e-mail to me. would you please tell me who is it?


who are you? i did not meet you at once, and how can you send the e-mail for me?


i don't really know who you are. why do you send a e-mail to me?


could you tell me who are you ?i didn't know you before ,why do you send email to me?


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您好!翻譯 彼 bai私 裡切du 私zhi 彼 裡切 原句 dao 他沒有背叛 回我,是我辜負了他。答 小講解 裡切 背叛 彼 他 私 我 翻譯 降參 私 私 會社 誘 原句 你沒有投降,是我邀請你進我公司的。小講解 降參 投降 會社 公司 誘 邀請 祝你日語學習越來越好哦!這個程度達到了恐懼的極...


這個句子是完全正確的,而且翻譯得很到位。這是乙個簡單句,不知道 困擾了你,我就給你做個全面分析吧。這個句子主 i 謂 march 賓 people 都齊了,其中who cannot march作賓主補足語,也是個定語從句。march是不及物動詞,後面不能直接跟賓主,所以加了個for。又正因為marc...