
2021-03-08 12:03:08 字數 4483 閱讀 6926


malaysia satay pho soup

thai tom yam kung pho dong

pho soup sirloin cantonese gold

hong kong-style fried pho

thai sweet chilli sauce chicken powder volume

high-volume powder gold sirloin

cantonese sirloin gold powder juice volume

chicken curry rice the british royal family

well-known cantonese egg fried rice

cantonese rice sirloin gold

thai sweet chicken spicy rice

the british royal family sirloin curry rice

hong kong-style sirloin carrot juice


malaysia satay during powder

during the winter of thailand tom yam kung powder

cantonese gold brisket during powder

1 the powder. fry

thailand sweet spicy chicken sauce roll powder

the gold brisket roll powder

cantonese gold brisket juice roll powder

the british royal family chicken curry mix rice

cantonese well-known eggs fried rice

cantonese food. gold brisket mix

sweet spicy chicken with rice in thailand

the british royal family curry brisket mix rice

carrot juice 1 flank



無錫小籠包 wuxi buns pack

雞湯餛飩 chicken wonton

西紅柿雞蛋蓋澆飯 tomato egg not cut jobs

魚香肉絲蓋澆飯 yuxiangrousi not cut jobs

宮爆雞丁蓋澆飯 trick not cut jobs

揚州炒飯 yangzhou fried rice.

鹹肉菜飯 bacon observed

百葉排骨** louvres ribs packages

竹筍鹹鴨** shoot a duck packages

肉圓燉蛋** meatballs dundan packages

雲豆鳳爪** yundou chicken claw packages

排骨麵 ribs face

爆魚面 burglary noodle

牛肉麵 beef noodles

鱔絲面 yu -

蝦仁面 shrimps face

香菇面 mushroom -

雪菜肉絲麵 rancher face pickle

辣醬面 sauce face


哪位高手幫我翻譯這幾個菜名?有懸賞! 20


1.the golden longkai river boils the fish

2.the daily family activity cooks the vegetable

3.the daily family activity cooks the spareribs

4.the soybean cooks the pig's feet

5.the daily family activity burns the fish steak

6.fish head bean curd pot

7.the mushroom fries the meat

8.the auricularia auricula fries the meat

9.the auricularia auricula fries the egg

10.legume flower chicken piece

11.red-roast hairtail

12.shiitake mushroom chicken piece


totally bull****!!!!!!!!!!!!!






malay satay nine fish belly(馬來沙嗲九肚魚)

cod fish roll shaping singular taste (奇味鱈魚卷)

fried fish heads-mei(秘製雙味大頭魚)

driven health burning big head(砂鍋生燒大魚頭 )

ghulam first fish(古法蒸魚頭)

pickle owls prolyl(雪菜黃魚脯)

pumped melon sauce lines(銀牙瓜醬魚絲)

boiling sashimi(沸騰生魚片)

fish auspicious rice crust(吉祥鍋巴魚 )

bamboo ***work big fish(竹網大黃魚)

turkey tofu(剁椒臭豆腐 )

break egg yolk(蛋黃獅子頭)

garlic yuan horseshoe(紅燜元蹄)

hunan stem burglary **all hen(湖南幹爆小母雞)

broken acid meat pie beans folder(肉碎酸豆角夾餅)

boiled fried eel(水煮鱔魚)

crystal river shrimps(水晶河蝦仁)

characteristics gluten(特色麵筋)

spiciness chanzui frogs(麻辣饞嘴蛙)

shrimp burglary eel(蝦爆鱔)

grandmother pork braised in brown sauce(外婆紅燒肉)

chongqing maoxiewang(重慶毛血旺)

characteristics shrimp sauce(特色油爆蝦)

large shrimp seed wucang(蝦籽大烏參)

braised circle(紅燒圈子)

dorm chicken tianfu(天府辣子雞)

sichuan twice-cooked pork pie folder(川味回鍋肉夾餅)

ma great tofu(麻婆豆腐)

crisps prawns(香酥大蝦)

英語菜名翻譯!跪求高手幫我把一下菜名翻譯成英文!! 40


水煮肉片飯sichuan boiled prok with rice水煮牛肉飯 sichuan boiled beef with rice

水煮千頁豆腐飯boiled thousand layer tofu with rice

水煮魚片飯sichuan boiled fish with rice上國外**找的,外國人翻譯的比較地道,簡單。


水煮肉片 spicy boiled pork slices with rice

水煮牛肉spicy boiled beef with rice水煮千頁豆腐飯spicy boiled quick-frozen toufu with rice

水煮魚片spicy boiled fish slices with rice

急 求高手幫忙翻譯幾個句子!!謝謝

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