作文 造成Globel warming的原因及解決措施

2023-01-04 12:55:53 字數 1273 閱讀 2421


one of the most important reasons for global warming, although rarely spoken is the 'wasted' heat from nuclear reactors.

the nuclear reactor, as a machine from the point of view of thermodynamics, is the least efficient engine scoring just 0.5% efficiency (maximum). combustion engines reach an efficiency of 15% for unleaded gas, 24% for diesel and 28% for 2-stroke diesel used in ships.

so, since only 0.5% of the energy produced by the nuclear fission becomes electricity the rest 99.5% becomes heat which is released when cooling the reactor.

combined with the increasing co2 emission from combustion engines which 'traps' heat into the atmosphere, the deforestation which eliminates the forest - the only 'machine' which decomposes co2 into carbon for plants and oxygen released to the atmosphere - the wasted energy from the nuclear reactor intensifies massively the energy of the meteorological phenomena.

altogether, with respect to the production and use of energy, this old humanity is patiently walking its own way to destruction.

i hope, soon enough, people will realize the absurdity of nuclear fission and deforestation



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