把下列句子翻意成英語1 玩電腦遊戲很有趣。2,好朋友對我們很有趣。你認為誰該打掃教室

2022-10-07 07:16:57 字數 724 閱讀 4151


it's interesting to play computer games.

good friends are interested to us.

who do you think should clean the classroom?



playing computer games is very interesting

good friends are interesting to us

who do you think should sweep the classroom


1. playing computer games is very interesting.

2, a good friend is very interesting to us.

3, who do you think should clean the classroom?


1.it's very interesting to play computer games.

2.good friends are fun to us

3.who do you think shuld clean the classroom?

把下列句子翻譯成英語 1 如果我去看電影,我就完不成我的作

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