英文翻譯用句子,英文翻譯 用五個句子

2022-12-10 10:46:06 字數 458 閱讀 7767


our school is located in a mountain, river side. around recently built a chemical plant

before the start of

evergreen trees, flowers on campus zhengyan, campus quiet, beautiful like garden.

commenced after

factory every day of sewage discharge waste gas, serious interference, the normal teaching order. teachers and students feel miserable.




一場虛幻的浪漫 an illusory romance an unreal romance a delusive romance an illusory and pretending romance 乙個假裝 虛偽 的浪漫。a pretending romance.乙個虛幻的浪漫。a fiction...


一年前,我讓一個工人幫我修理房子。第一天很不順利 他的小汽車在路上拋錨了,然後他發現他的修理工具落在家裡了,接著他的妻子又打 給他說他的兒子重感冒了。我載著他回家的路上他一直沉默著。開車時,他邀請我去見見他的家人。當我們走到前門時,他在一棵小樹前停下里了,用手撫摸了一下小樹。當我們開啟門時,我驚奇地...

有的面積英文翻譯,有 的面積 英文翻譯2個

動詞短語 cover occupy an area of 介詞短語 with an area of 成功解決乙個,還有兩個,用英文怎麼翻譯 作為bai口語的 英du語zhi是 daoone is solved nicely,and still there are two more left.書面語的...