
2021-03-09 16:51:00 字數 895 閱讀 4446


grammole substituent 克分子取代度water content水份

light tran**ission 透光率ndj-1 rotational vis***eter ndj-1型旋轉式粘度計

water solution at 20℃ 20攝氏度水溶液版viscosity range 粘度範圍

spindle no.錠軸號權

spindle speed 錠軸轉速

instant soluble product 速溶型產品insolubles不溶物


external regulation, molar substitution, water, insoluble, light tran**ittance, ndj-1 rotary vis***eter of 20 degrees celsius in water, viscosity range, spindle no. spindle speed instant products!

容 ! ! refuse to use online translation tools translation was the answer!

! brothers and sisters, please!


the mole fraction, replaced, moisture, insoluble, light tran**ittance, ndj - 1 type of rotary vis***eter 20 degrees celsius, the viscosity solution of spindle, spindle speed, instant type products.


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