
2023-01-03 11:15:49 字數 1382 閱讀 8473


the childre played chess at 4:00 pm yesterday.

what did you do at that time?

i was listening to the radio when mother came back.




he will visit the zoo next saturday.

they will go to the museum the day after tomirrow.

we won't study a foreign language next term.

will they play football next sundy afternoon?


1 he will visit the zoo next saturday.



she will become a teacher of a school soon.

用括號中時間狀語改寫句子。he often has lunch at home.(now) what do they usually do?(at the moment)

用括號中的時間表示式改寫句子 2.there are there train stations in that city.(next y


2. there will be three train stations in that city next year.

3. he is coming back in five days. 或 he will be back in five days.

4. she will be a doctor in that hospital soon.

5. i will read a story to my son tonight. 或 i am going to read a story to my son tonight.

6. he will be handsome and strong in ten years.

7. he won't go swimming the day after tomorrow.

8. she won't speak chinese at the party tomorrow morning.


1 most of 2 in mon 3 during my spare time4 for a walk 1 more 2 dancing most of in mon in my spare time for a walk more dancing 1 the most 2 in mone 3 ...


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小題1 open 小題2 through 小題3 thousands 小題4 twelfth 小題5 weight 小題6 artists 小題7 carelessly 小題8 interesting 小題9 playing 小題10 lying 試題分析 小題1 開放的 是open。本句的意思是 ...