
2022-09-23 07:56:39 字數 933 閱讀 8999


private sub command1_click() '在屬性欄裡設定text3的multiline 為 true

dim n as integer, a as integer, i, j, k as integer

m = val(text1.text)

n = val(text2.text)

for i = m to n

for j = 2 to i - 1

if i mod j = 0 then exit fornext

if j = i then

text3.text = text3.text & i & " "

k = k + 1

if k mod 5 = 0 then text3.text = text3.text & vbcrlf

end if


end sub


private sub command1_click()a = cint(text1.text)

b = cint(text2.text)

text3.text = ""

for i = a to b

yes = i > 1

for j = 2 to sqr(i)

if i mod j = 0 then yes = false: exit for

next j

if yes then

text3.text = text3.text & format(i, "@@@@@")

k = k + 1

if k mod 5 = 0 then text3.text = text3.text & vbcrlf

end if

next i

end sub


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