
2022-05-01 05:09:24 字數 1198 閱讀 6908


1.the woman (in a red coat) is lucy's aunt.

which woman is lucy's aunt?

2.the man in the canr is (our teacher).

who is the man in the car?

3.jim plays with his dog for (about two hours) on sunday.

how long did jim play with his dog on sunday?

4.there is (some) berad on the plate.

how much bread is on the plate?



did jim plays ,did能和plays連用麼。。。

3樓how many times 是幾次,about two hours表示持續的時間,你的水平,哎。。。不說了


1 which woman is lucy's aunt.?

2who is the man in the car。

3how long did jim plays with his dog on sunday?



where is the bread?


1、which woman is lucy's aunt?

2who is the man in the car?

3、how long does jim play with his dogs on sunday?

4、how much bread is there on the plate?


who is the woman?

who is the man?

how long does jim play with his dog on sunday?

are there any berad on the plate?


1 what does lucy's aunt wearing?


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