2022-02-22 21:59:34 字數 893 閱讀 6309


在sql server中,cast和convert函式都可用於型別轉換,其功能是相同的,



**select cast('123' as int) -- 123

select convert(int, '123') -- 123

select cast(123.4 as int) -- 123

select convert(int, 123.4) -- 123

select cast('123.4' as int)

select convert(int, '123.4')

-- conversion failed when converting the varchar value '123.4' to data type int.

select cast('123.4' as decimal) -- 123

select convert(decimal, '123.4') -- 123

select cast('123.4' as decimal(9,2)) -- 123.40

select convert(decimal(9,2), '123.4') -- 123.40

declare @num money

set @num = 1234.56

select convert(varchar(20), @num, 0) -- 1234.56

select convert(varchar(20), @num, 1) -- 1,234.56

select convert(varchar(20), @num, 2) -- 1234.5600


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SQL表update用法,SQL 中UPDATE用法

使用update更新資料內容 語法 update 表名 set 列名 新值 where 條件 update students set a final where b admin 你問的是這個吧 update table1 set a final a where b admin sqlserver u...


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