
2021-12-22 11:42:48 字數 2606 閱讀 8336


beautiful day--the game

歌詞beautiful day

dj melody

letra de la cancion:

i'm in love, it's a beautiful day,

i'm in love, it's a beautiful way,

i don't care what the weatherman say,

it's a beautiful daaay~

i've got you, i'm neva blue.

close my eyes and my wishes come true.

need you so, you'll neva know,

come with meh it's a beautiful day!

i do believe if i try,

i do believe i can fly...

fall through a hole in the sky,

say you catch me...

i'm in love it's a beautiful day,

i'm in love it's a beautiful way,

i don't care what the weatherman say,

it's a beautiful day.

i'm in love it's a beautiful day,

i'm so high it's a beautiful day,

i don't care if it's cloudy n' grey,

it's a beautiful day...

i've got you, i'm neva blue.

close my eyes and my wishes come true.

need you so, you'll neva know,

come with meh it's a beautiful day!

i do believe if i try,

i do believe i can fly...

fall through a hole in the sky,

say you catch me...

i'm in love it's a beautiful day,

i'm in love it's a beautiful way,

i don't care what the weatherman say,

it's a beautiful day.

i'm in love it's a beautiful day,

i'm so high it's a beautiful day,

i don't care if it's cloudy n' grey,

it's a beautiful day...

come, come, come into my world,

lift me up, up, high up on your love!


《剩女也瘋狂》 劇中所有插曲



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