幾道英語題 請英語好的人進來解答下謝謝

2021-12-16 18:55:28 字數 503 閱讀 9455


1.錯,lost不用現在完成時,丟了就是丟了,沒丟就沒丟。i lost my key. i can't find it.

2.錯,did you see anne yesterday?

3.錯,i finished my work at 2o'clock. 有準確的時間點的不能用完成時!

4.對5.錯,what time did you finish your work?

6.錯,she has gone out

7.錯,jim's grandmother died last night.die和lost一樣,不能用完成時8.對


錯,and i can't find it對對i am ready now

錯 did you finished your work錯,she is out或she has gone out錯 jim's grandmother ...對


1b2a here is the difference bettwen with pleasure and my pleasure with pleaure is used when some one is asking you fo help,while my pleasure is used w...


1,be elected後,直接加職務名稱,不加冠詞。2,先排除d,as像。一樣 作為,與題意不符。be wild at.是固定搭配 3,a 為了.此句並沒有乙個明顯的邏輯關係。即他們聊天並不是為了喝茶,而是同時進行的。b 帶著 帶著不表示他們一定喝了茶,不夠切題。c during後常接表示時間或過...


8 12 abcbc 8 b9 b 10 a 11 b 12 a abcbc,差不多就是這樣啦 幾道英語題,謝謝 butterflies crossing take fifth sunny largest ourselves to realize 需要解釋請追問 butterflies across...