網路或手機的優點 英文作文左右

2021-08-25 23:18:21 字數 733 閱讀 7782


the advantages and disadvantages of the internet

nowadays, people use the internet to listen to the music, watch movies or go shopping. it's very

convenient and important in our lives. but the internet has the advantages and disadvantages,

we should be attention to them. we can study on the internet. there are many books and helpful

video on it. chet on it with friends also convenient. but it is dangerous in some ways, too.

some people will cheat you by the internet, so be careful. and don't use the internet too long time, because it's bad for your eyes. please use the internet reasonable.


以“中學生上網的利弊”為話題寫一篇英語作文 80字左右


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