country of origin是什麼意思

2021-06-25 11:57:37 字數 451 閱讀 5102


原產國1、n-count起源;**;起因;由來you can refer to the beginning, cause, or source of something as its origin or origins .

...theories about the origin of life...


2、n-count出身;身世;血統when you talk about a person's origin or origins, you are referring to the country, race, or social class of their parents or ancestors.

thomas has not forgotten his humble origins.



v.狂笑 例句 one s head tells you that mr ith is right.理智告訴我們史密斯是正確的。笑掉大牙 雙語對bai照 詞典du結果 laugh one s head off v.狂笑 例句zhi s head tells you that mr ith...

the people present是什麼意思

在場的人 雙語對照 詞典結果 the people present 四座 以上結果來自金山詞霸 例句 1.there was a frank exchange of views,said one of the people present.the people present 人們的禮物people...

general statement是什麼意思

網路普通宣告 雙語例句 1though,that s a general statement,if i ve ever made one.雖然,這是乙個一般性發言,如果我做過乙個。2we do not accept artificial deadlines,as we stated in our g...