誰能幫我寫幾篇英語作文啊關於交通 旅遊 感覺的

2021-04-24 23:05:16 字數 474 閱讀 5303


can be comely but by pardon(原諒,寬恕), and considering the youth, as to make up the comeliness(漂亮).

beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt, and cannot last; and for the most part it makes a dissolute(放蕩的,風流的) youth, and an age a little out of countenance(面容,臉色,支援); but yet certainly again, if it light well, it makes virtue shine, and vices(惡習,缺點) blush(臉紅,羞愧).


growth but over thpast


冬天來了,雪花如鵝毛般飄飛。清晨,無事的我漫步在大街上,感覺到 很冷。前天,市裡下令 無論在哪乙個角落裡所張貼的種種廣告單 宣傳單等等,統統都要清除乾淨。由於這個原因,市裡所有的清潔工都出動,開始全面清潔這個本來就很美麗的城市。我看著滿天大雪飛舞著,看著一幫清潔工忙碌著。無意間,我發現對面的一堵光滑...

誰能幫我寫英語作文 reading is important和my happy family,3Q

hello,everyone,my name isliu luwen.lama girl.there arethree people inmy family.my mom,my dadand l.lam astudent.l like reading andrunning.l often goto ...


春天,開頭可以說一年之季在於春。中間可以寫巡春腳步,最後說這就是美麗的春天!春天的顏色真是五彩繽紛,太陽是紅燦燦的,天空是湛藍的,樹梢是嫩綠的,迎春花是嬌黃的 難怪詩人愛吟詠春天,畫家愛描繪春天,因為春天是世界一切美的融合,一切色彩的總會。我很奇怪,這五彩繽紛的色彩為什麼會不約而同地選擇春天來到大地...