幫忙翻譯一下,Thank you!嘻嘻翻成英語

2021-03-21 14:59:34 字數 834 閱讀 6687


this number allows only the friend who add knows oneself, or the same birthday friend, the loiterer pleases not to bother..

the friend of the old friend pleases add the ******, talking the friend of the work please add the ******..

oneself be not good at the long chat, pure chat of the friend pleases round way..


this number is for friends only,no bothering from thers.

old friends please add me*******co-worker please add me******people just chatting please turn away..


for this number, to my own firends except strangers.

****** for old firends, ****** for line of duty.

i'm not your ***panion to prattle with you,

if you want to chat with me only, i'm not your best choice, thank you!

幫忙翻譯一下吧 幫忙翻譯一下



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