
2021-03-03 23:24:55 字數 1663 閱讀 9199



i love you,

you love i,

our wedding,

our gold-ring,

must bring

people's suprising!

二、wow wow wow,

let's ride cow!

first we do,

it is just now!

why asking how?


when you clean the window,i do know:

kind as you are,

of course,

just little than me.ha!!





it should be a institution for study.

but no one gives a **** to act goody goody.

in this concentrated **all city.

there are a bunch of fashion beauties.

all we need is to **** silly.


god saw me hungry, he created pizza .

he saw me thirsty, he created pepsi

he saw me in dark, he created light

he saw me without problems, he created you.

i wrote your name on sand it got washed.

i wrote your name in air,it was blown away.

i wrote your name on my heart

i got heart attack

the rain makes all things beautiful.

the grass and flowers too.

if rain makes all things beautiful

why doesn't it rain on you?

twinkle twinkle little star

you should know what you are

and once you know what you are

mental hospital is not so far.

roses are red,violets are blue.

monkeys like you should be kept in zoo.

don't feel so angry you will find me there too.

not in cage but laughing at you.


1.勸告你不聽 一意孤行 2.什麼都不懂 一竅不通 3.本利都丟光 一無所獲 4.美夢全落空 一枕黃梁 四句自嘲打油詩,謝謝 發達發達傑 虛度年華二十年 一事無成眼角低 零件雖在無一好 誰能度我入上仙。求一首愛情打油詩 四句的 閉有福大燕 愛情打油詩 我倆的情,恰似灕江水,清又清。你是我的心,我是你...


妟君誕辰日 琮心喜賀日 快樂每一天 樂顏笑開懷 文學詩歌 偶然 徐志摩 我是天空裡的一片雲,偶爾投影在你的波心 你不必訝異,更無須歡喜 在轉瞬間消滅了蹤影。你我相逢在黑夜的海上,你有你的,我有我的,方向 你記得也好,最好你忘掉,在這交會時互放的光亮!錯誤鄭愁予 我打江南走過 那等在季節裡的容顏如蓮花...


150 6111 你好。陳詩睿 陳chen 五行屬金。詩shi 五行屬金。睿rui 五行屬金。發財了,詩睿做男孩名字怎樣?思 繁體 思,拼音 s 五行 金,筆劃 9,姓名學解釋 有才能理智,勤儉勵業,家聲克振,名利雙收,晚年勞神。吉 睿 繁體 睿,拼音 ru 五行 金,筆劃 14,姓名學解釋 天生聰...